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Welcome to the LF Deep Learning Foundation wiki, where you will find information with a cross project focus. For individual projects, follow the links below.

LF Deep Learning Foundation is a project of The Linux Foundation that supports open source innovation in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. LF Deep Learning was created to support numerous technical projects within this important space.

With LF Deep Learning, members are working to create a neutral space for harmonization and acceleration of separate technical projects focused on AI, ML, and DL technologies.

For more information, please view the How to Get Involved deck.

Questions? Please email info@lfdl.io.






Acumos AI


Acumos is an Open Source Platform, which supports design, integration and deployment of AI models. Furthermore, Acumos supports an AI marketplace that empowers data scientists to publish adaptive AI models, while shielding them from the need to custom develop fully integrated solutions.



Angel is a high-performance distributed machine learning platform based on the philosophy of Parameter Server. It is tuned for performance with big data from Tencent and has a wide range of applicability and stability, demonstrating increasing advantage in handling higher dimension model.



EDL optimizes the global utilization of the cluster running deep learning job and the waiting time of job submitters. It includes two parts: a Kubernetes controller for the elastic scheduling of distributed deep learning jobs, and a fault-tolerable deep learning framework.



Horovod, a distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch, improves speed, scale and resource allocation in machine learning training activities. Uber uses Horovod for self-driving vehicles, fraud detection, and trip forecasting. It is also being used by Alibaba, Amazon and NVIDIA. Contributors to the project outside Uber include Amazon, IBM, Intel and NVIDIA.



Pyro is a universal probabilistic programming language (PPL) written in Python and supported by PyTorch on the backend. Pyro enables flexible and expressive deep probabilistic modeling, unifying the best of modern deep learning and Bayesian modeling.

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